Being Real - Chapter 3 - tripletrouble (2024)

Chapter Text

It was Friday. Three days since Matt had last seen Chris. Two days since he had been given an obnoxious amount of money to put into his bank account, one day since he had been propositioned to ‘meet’ with Chris again, and less than twenty-four hours since he stupidly agreed to, against his better judgment.

Matt had lied to Nick, telling him he was going to work that night. Which was true in the sense that he would be working, but not as an extra shift at Slurpees. Instead he would be working at the Fallon Inn for the night, getting paid a lot more, and to do much more heinous activities.

He and Chris had spoken briefly over text, agreeing for Chris to pick him up about a mile away from the field after soccer practice that night. Far enough away from the prying eyes of his teammates, so that he wouldn’t run the risk of them seeing him step into the car of a strange man.

Now, at 8pm, he stood by the curb, waiting for Chris. His stomach lurched in a mix of nerves and anticipation with every semi-nice car that passed by him. After a few minutes, a sleek white and modern looking Miata pulled up beside him.

“Sorry I’m late,” Chris said, stepping out and around to open the door for Matt like some sort of proper gentleman. It was as if he didn’t have intentions on ravishing Matt later on. “There was an issue at work, to say the least.”

Matt shrugged with tense shoulders. “It’s fine,” he told him as he stepped into the car that was probably worth his tuition and triple the cost of his own Sedan. “Happens, I can imagine.”

Chris smiled tightly, closing the door behind him and stepping back into the driver’s seat. “Well, hopefully it won’t happen again,” he said with a small laugh.

Matt gave him a weak smile and buckled up.

The drive to the inn was quiet and awkward. Matt tried to make light conversation, asking about work but Chris was obviously unwilling to talk about it. He wondered if it was because of the incident, or if it was because he was nervous about the night too. Though he doubted it was the second option.

“Do you mind if we grab dinner on the way?” Chris suddenly asked him. “I’m starving. Haven’t eaten anything all day. Have you?”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” Matt said, partially amused by the latter’s exclamation. “And I had lunch.”

“What about dinner?” He asked.

“It was a big lunch,” Matt tried to politely decline.

“That’s not dinner. Dinner is the most important meal of the day, you know,” Chris told him.

Matt drew his brows together in confusion. “Isn’t that breakfast?”

“Whoever said that obviously hasn’t had a double quarter pounder with cheese and an ice cold Pepsi before,” he stated with a shake of his head.

Matt stared at him for a moment, trying to understand if this was really the same Chris who had reduced him to mush earlier the same week. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh, beyond amused by the change of character.

Chris grinned victoriously at the sound of his laughter, shooting Matt a satisfied smirk. “There’s this place my friend recommended to me called Petta’s, a bit outside of town. Do you like Italian?” He asked.

Matt nodded. “It’d be a crime not to. I’m part.”

The smile on Chris’s face grew at that. “Really? Me too,” he exclaimed. “Where from?”

“Sicily,” he answered. “You?”

“Bella, Potenza,” Chris told him.

Matt winced in mild embarrassment. “I don’t think I know where that is.”

“Basilicata, just below Naples. You ever been?” He asked.

Matt shook his head no, which had Chris frowning. “I’ve always wanted to,” he said.

“I’ll take you one day,” Chris winked cheekily.

He snorted another laugh. “Okay, sure.”

Determined in his statement, Chris nodded affirmatively, locking the idea in place.

The drive continued until they reached Petta’s. It looked quaint and cozy, with warm lights illuminating the small windows, and soft music playing in the background. It was definitely a romantic spot, Matt realized with dread.

Once inside, a hostess greeted them and showed them to a booth near the corner. They were handed menus and told their waitress would be with them shortly.

Matt glanced down at the menu, cringing at the prices. “This is… expensive,” he pointed out.

Chris shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m taking care of it,” he told him, as if it was obvious from the start.

He huffed. Matt watched the other patrons and listened in to brief bits of the conversations happening around him. It was all very foreign to him, being in such a fancy place with such a high class clientele. It felt like a scene from a movie, except he was actually in it.

“Anything look good?” Chris asked him.

Matt refocused his attention back on the menu, trying to scan for the cheapest items. “Uhh, pasta al limone? I guess?”

Chris hummed. “I think I’ll go with the tortellini alla panna.”

“Are you ready to order?” Their server asked when he approached their table.

“We are,” Chris told him, placing their menus down on the table. “Two waters please, and a pasta al limone and tortellini alla panna.”

“Of course,” he nodded, scribbling down their orders on his pad. “Anything to drink besides water?”

Chris looked at Matt, who shook his head. “Just that for now, thank you.”

“Alright then,” he said, giving them a slight bow before leaving them alone.

Matt stole glances out the window as he waited for their food to come out, trying to distract himself from the nerves that plagued him. He felt like a kid waiting for the tooth fairy to come, eager yet anxious for what would come of it.

“Why haven’t you taken off your jacket?” Chris asked him curiously. “You must be warm.”

Matt looked down at himself sheepishly, the black leather jacket he’d put on after changing out of his uniform keeping him from freezing outside, despite now being indoors. “Yeah… sorry. Just habit.”

He shrugged it off, letting it fall into his lap and revealing his plain blue button down underneath. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his pale forearms and wrists. He’d tried to dress up at least semi-nicely for the man, better than his sweatshirt at least but not enough to draw too much attention for his outfit from his teammates.

“How do you feel about wine?” Chris asked him.

“I’m not a big fan,” he admitted. “But I can try it if you want to.”

Chris seemed to consider his answer, his eyes wandering over the menu. “What about beer?”

Matt laughed. “Beer is good.”

Chris hummed. “Good,” he said, raising a hand to signal their waiter over. “We’ll have two BrewDog IPAs please.”

He nodded and went to get their drinks. When he came back with them, Chris thanked him.

Matt took a sip of his, enjoying the bitterness of the ale. It wasn’t the best he’d had, but it wasn’t the worst either. Maybe that was because his pallet wasn’t so refined past the taste of cheap six packs, though.

Their food came out shortly after that, and Matt stared down at his plate. It was much smaller than he had expected, with the pasta only taking up about a quarter of the white dish it sat on, if that. The sauce was yellow, and the pieces of pasta were thin and stringy. He picked up his fork and twisted a piece onto it, bringing it to his mouth to taste.

Chris watched him closely. “How is it?” He asked, waiting patiently for Matt’s response.

He swallowed, trying to formulate words without being rude. “It’s… different,” he said instead of admitting that he wasn’t a fan of the flavor combination or texture of the dish. “I like it.”

Chris nodded, picking up a piece of his own ravioli with his fork. “It’s not bad,” he admitted after tasting it.

Matt forced himself to eat another bite, feeling his stomach growl loudly in protest at the lack of substance in the pasta. He was used to big Italian portions that could fill him up for a week, not tiny servings of bland food.

After they finished eating, Chris paid for their meals and they made their way to the parking lot. Matt was relieved to leave the premises, having felt uncomfortably stuffy in such an upscale restaurant.

“So,” Chris started once they were driving away from the restaurant and towards the inn. “What did you think?”

Matt struggled to find his words. “Uhh… it was, nice. Very um, very fancy.”

Chris hummed, nodding his head for a moment before chipping in with his own opinion. “I hated it.”

Matt’s eyes went wide as he stared at him, slack-jawed. “What?”

He let out a deep laugh. “It was terrible!” He exclaimed. “What kind of game do they think they’re playing? sh*tty food for that price and the tiniest serving sizes ever, I mean come on, get real.”

Watching him in shock and amusem*nt at the outburst, Matt joined him in his laughter. He was relieved to hear they were on the same page, not having wanted to upset the guy.

“You know what I’m really craving right now?” Chris asked him.

Matt smirked. “A double quarter pounder with cheese and an ice cold Pepsi?”

Chris nodded his head. “Hell yeah.”

“Isn’t that against the rules or something? Like, you’re not supposed to eat fast food or whatever,” Matt questioned, bemused.

He laughed again, a deep sound that filled the car. “f*ck that,” he said simply. “Life is too short to eat sh*tty pasta when you can have a Big Mac.”

He didn’t give Matt another chance to respond before turning his car into a nearby McDonald’s drive through.

Matt settled back in his seat as they waited in line, trying to suppress his laughter at the absurdity of the situation. This was not how he imagined his evening going. At all.

He thought he would be in bed with some strange man by now being brought to org*smic delight and reeling mind, not sitting in a fancy car at McDonald’s drive through with him.

“What do you want?” Chris asked him after pulling up to the speaker box.

Matt pursed his lips as he thought about it. “I guess... A large fry, and a spicy chicken sandwich?” He suggested tentatively.

Chris turned back to him with a grin. “Good choice,” he praised, turning his focus back on the menu options being read off to them. “Alright, I’ll have a double quarter pounder with cheese and a large Pepsi, two large fries and a spicy McChicken.”

“Will that be all?” The voice crackled through the speakers.

Chris hummed, turning his head to eye Matt with scrutiny. Matt huffed and nodded his head with an exasperated grin.

They pulled up to the window and paid for their meal, getting handed a bag full of greasy goodness along.

Chris drove them to an empty parking lot, setting the bag between them as he parked.

“Let’s eat here,” he said, digging into the bag and pulling out a fry.

Matt watched him for a moment, mesmerized by his casual nature and charm. He couldn’t believe how laidback the man was. He was nothing like he’d expected, and Matt was surprisingly grateful for that.

“So how rich are you?” He asked suddenly, earning him a raised brow.

Chris paused in his chewing, thinking it over. “More than comfortably,” he finally admitted. “Six figures annually.”

“Damn… How does someone get to be that rich anyway?” Matt wondered aloud.

He shrugged, reaching into the bag for his burger. “My dad owns a business, and I’m being primed to run it when he retires. So it pays well.”

Matt nodded his head, processing that information. “What kind of business?” He pushed further.

“It’s an investment company,” he revealed. “We buy stocks and property mostly, sometimes we loan out money to people.”

“Oh,” Matt replied. “That sounds… cool.”

Chris smiled at him and chuckled. “It’s lame,” he corrected.

Matt took a bite of his fries, savoring the salty crunchiness that hit his tongue. It was infinitely better than the pasta. “You don’t like it?” He asked.

“No, but I don’t gotta choice,” he answered honestly. “I’m the only son. Only ‘heir’ or whatever.”

“I’ve got a brother,” Matt told him, feeling like he should share something personal in return. “He’s older. He lives in Oregon.”

“Cool,” Chris hummed. “Do you guys get along?”

He shook his head. “I don’t really know him.”

Chris frowned, raising an eyebrow in question, his mouth stuffed ungraciously with a bite of burger.

“My parents split when I was a kid. Mom took him, Dad kept me,” he shrugged, putting it as simply as possible. “What’s your favorite color?” Matt asked, changing the subject.

Chris stalled in mid chew, looking at him with confusion at the abrupt change. “Huh?”

“Your favorite color,” Matt repeated, pointing at him. “What is it?”

“Orange,” he answered immediately. “And yours?”

“Blue,” he replied with a smile. “Baby blue specifically.”

Chris nodded his head, swallowing his bite before speaking again. “You’re a student, right? What’s your major?” He asked.

“Psychology,” Matt said proudly. “I’m going to be a therapist.”

“Cool,” Chris hummed, seeming genuinely interested in his response. “Why psychology?”

Matt shrugged his shoulders. “I just like helping people, I guess. I always have. And I think it’s important for people to have an outlet where they can feel seen and heard.”

“I thought all athletes were business majors,” Chris teased. “I never went to college.”

“If you’re a football player and you’ve got enough concussions, maybe,” he laid into the quip. “But I was always more impartial towards the liberal arts. I just also happen to have a swift kick.”

“Wear a cup around you. Duly noted,” Chris joked.

Matt snorted.

“You wanna finish my fries?” He offered.

Matt nodded, grabbing the carton and popping a few in his mouth. They were delicious.

“So how far away is the inn?” Matt asked him quietly, remembering the real purpose of their night. He couldn’t easily forget it.

Chris glanced down at his phone. “About ten minutes. A bit less,” he answered.

Matt hummed, turning to look out the window. It was dark outside now, and as they sat in the uptown part of Fallon, he took in how the building were visibly more unkempt and barren.

He felt as Chris looked at him curiously, silently for a while, before asking him a question. “I know you’d never done sex work before the other night but… Did you ever do anything with men before?”

Matt’s eyes shot up to meet his gaze, shocked by the question. “Uh… No, actually,” he breathed.

“So this is all pretty new for you, huh?” Chris asked.

“Yeah… Is that okay?” Matt questioned.

Chris went quiet for a moment, sending a wave of nervousness through Matt’s veins. “I just want to make sure you’re not gonna do anything you regret.”

A pang hit his chest at the sudden bout of care from the latter, not expecting the concern for him. He looked at Chris with his eyes slightly widened in awe. This was only the second time he’d done this, and Matt was still only slightly less anxious than he was the first night, but much less anxious then he’d been the last couple days after that.

He knew now that Chris wouldn’t push anything too far, and he knew that Chris would listen to him if he told him he needed to stop.

“I trust you,” he said earnestly.

“You do?” Chris asked, genuinely shocked to hear such a thing from someone he’d only just recently met.

“Yeah,” Matt responded. “I don’t know why, but I do.”

They shared a moment of silence before Matt realized they still weren’t moving out of the parking lot.

“Are we heading to the inn yet?” He asked.

Chris looked up at him and shrugged. “We will be,” he said easily. “In a minute.”

He put his car back into drive, and after a couple minutes Matt watched him with suspicion until he noticed the familiar signs of a Burger King coming up.

“Dude, what are you doing?” Matt laughed, watching Chris pull up to the drive through. Though he found him humorous, the longer they waited the more nervous he was beginning to feel about the inevitable climax of their night. Literally.

“I want dessert,” he explained, rolling his eyes.

“Or maybe you’re stalling,” Matt argued teasingly.

Chris shrugged. “Maybe I just want to spend as much time as possible with you,” he said.

A blush rose to his face with that confession, and Matt found himself unable to argue any further. Instead, he sat pliant in his seat.

“You know the drill. What do you want?” Chris asked him once they got to the speaker box.

He thought about it for a moment, watching Chris order a large chocolate milkshake for himself.

“Just a small vanilla cone,” Matt decided.

Chris gave him a disappointed look. “Really? That’s it?”

“Yes, really,” Matt snapped back. “What are you, my sugar Daddy now?”

Chris hummed, and smirked. The reaction made a lump form in Matt’s throat, having expected denial not… whatever that was.

“Okay, okay,” he managed to say eventually, calming himself down. “I’ll actually take just two of those vanilla cones instead.”

“Two?” Matt asked incredulously.

Chris rolled his eyes, leaning forward to the microphone. “Make that three cones.”

“Will that be all?” The voice asked.

Chris confirmed his order and drove them forward to the window, paying for their treats before pulling away.

Matt stared at the stack of cones between them in disbelief. “Seriously, Chris? Three cones?” He complained.

Chris smirked, reaching over to grab one and taking a big bite out of it. “Yum,” he moaned around it. “You should try it.”

Matt sighed, grabbed one of the cones, and took a bite out of it too. His face lit up with pleasure at the sweet taste of the creamy vanilla. He took another bite before speaking again, letting out a soft, pleased moan.

He looked over towards Chris, noticing the way the other man was staring at him with dilated eyes and lips slightly parted in intrigue. Chris cleared his throat.

Matt raised a brow at him, eating more of the cone before speaking again. He knew what he was doing. It was time to get this show on the road before his beating heart exploded out of his chest like a bat to hell. “What, am I making a mess?”

“Just a bit,” Chris answered honestly.

He hummed, eating more of his cone and enjoying the way Chris was watching him as the white cream dripped down the corner of his lips before he lapped it up with his tongue.

“How far away is the inn again?” Matt asked, taking another bite.

“Like five minutes,” Chris replied. “You like that?”

“The cone?” Matt asked.

“No, the way I’m staring at you like a perv,” Chris deadpanned.

Matt chuckled, finishing off his cone. “I think I might have a little ice cream on my chin.”

Chris reached over to wipe it off, using his thumb to rub it away. Matt watched him do it, and when he pulled back he could see that he’d gotten some on his thumb.

Daring to press the idea in his head further, Chris brought his finger to Matt’s mouth. Hesitantly, Matt parted his lips for it. He felt the warm pad of Chris’s thumb slip into his mouth, sweetness of the residual ice-cream and saltiness from sweaty skin melting onto his tongue. Curiously, he wrapped his lips around Chris’s finger, sucking it off sensually.

Chris watched the action closely, and felt himself getting hard in his jeans at the sight and feel of it.

“I think… we should head to the inn, now,” Chris stated breathlessly.

Matt released his finger from his mouth with a pop. “Good idea,” he agreed.

Their first night together, Chris had made sure to be gentle. He hadn’t wanted to scare Matt off, so he had taken things slow. He hadn’t even f*cked him all the way, only chasing a high between his thighs. He did however, also end up getting Matt off twice before the night was over.

This time around, he hoped they’d be able to go a little further, as long as Matt was willing.

Once they arrived at the inn, they headed inside and went straight to the bedroom Chris had booked this time in advance. He locked the door behind them.

Matt sat on the edge of the bed, feeling the anxious feeling return already.

Chris stood in front of him, and reached for Matt’s shirt. Slowly, he started to unbutton it. "You okay?" He asked him.

"Yeah," Matt responded quickly. "I'm just... I don't know."

Chris nodded his head. "It's okay. Remember, we don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"I know," Matt replied. “But I trust you, remember?

Chris smiled at him, continuing to undress Matt slowly. Once he had his shirt completely unbuttoned, he slipped it off his shoulders. He paused for a moment to admire Matt's body. He couldn't help but appreciate the view, and imagined it would probably be like this every time he was blessed enough to see Matt naked.

After a moment, he moved on to undo Matt's belt buckle. He slid the leather through the loops until it was loose enough to fall off Matt's waistband. Then, he tugged at Matt's jeans until they dropped to his ankles.

Matt stepped out of them, leaving him in nothing but his underwear.

Chris ran his hands over Matt's chest, tracing the lines of his muscles. He could feel Matt's heartbeat quickening underneath his touch. He leaned him backwards onto the bed and climbed over him, kissing across his skin while caressing his thumbs across his chest.

"God you’re just gorgeous," Chris murmured against his skin.

Matt let out a shaky breath, closing his eyes and leaning into the touch. He was starting to feel more relaxed now that Chris was being so gentle with him.

Chris continued to explore Matt's body, working his way down to his hips. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of Matt's boxers and tugged them down.
Matt lifted his hips to help him slide them off. Once they were gone, Chris took a moment to look at his co*ck. It was hard and leaking precome.

Chris leaned down and licked the tip, flicking his tongue back and forth rapidly on the sensitive slit, causing it to twitch at the sensation.

“Oh f*ck," Matt moaned, his hips bucking upwards.

Chris grinned at him. "You like that?"

"Yeah," Matt whimpered. "Don't stop."

Chris chuckled darkly, and swiped his tongue along Matt's length. He repeated the motion a few times, lapping at the precome as it dripped out.

Matt moaned louder, his hips jerking upwards. Chris held him down by his hips.

"Easy," he warned him.

Matt let out a shaky laugh. "Sorry."

Chris leaned up to kiss him, and Matt met him with acceptance. Their tongues tangled together, and Matt felt his head spinning with pleasure. Daringly, he wrapped his arms around Chris's neck, pulling him closer.

Chris pulled away for air, and Matt whined in protest before he could stop himself.

"Come here," Chris commanded. "Ride my thigh."

Matt looked at him in confusion.

Chris lifted his leg, and Matt understood what he meant. His eyes widened in mild shock, a pink flush rising to his already rosey cheeks.

Swallowing a deep gulp, he sat up and spread his legs, then straddled Chris's thigh, positioning himself above it. He slowly lowered himself down, feeling the hard muscle of Chris's thigh press against his dick. He gasped as the sensation sent a jolt of pleasure through his entire body.

Chris watched him with dark eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Does that feel good?"

Matt nodded, biting his lip. "Yeah..." he breathed.

Chris began to move his thigh in circles, massaging Matt's member with it.

Matt groaned loudly, throwing his head back. "f*ck," he cried out. "That feels amazing!"

Chris grinned at him, enjoying the power he had over Matt's body. He increased the speed of his movements, making Matt gasp and writhe above him.

"I'm gonna come," Matt whimpered. "God, f*ck, Chris, I need to come..."

Chris slowed down his movements, keeping them steady and rhythmic. "Not yet," he said firmly.

Matt let out a frustrated growl, but he obeyed. He was too close to the edge to risk disobeying Chris and being denied release.

Chris kept going, teasing Matt mercilessly with his movements. He could feel Matt's co*ck leaking the precome onto his thigh, and he knew that the other man was close to losing control.

Finally, when he could tell that Matt was about to break, he stopped moving altogether.

Matt let out a strangled cry, his body trembling with desire. "Please," he begged. "Please let me come..."

Chris considered it for a moment, and then nodded. "Alright," he said. "You can come now."

Matt didn't hesitate. He thrust down onto Chris's thigh one final time, moaning loudly as he came. Hot cum splattered onto Chris's skin, and Matt threw his head back with a shout of pleasure.

Chris watched him with satisfaction, enjoying the sight of Matt lost in ecstasy. When Matt finally came down from his high, he collapsed onto Chris's chest, head tucked in his neck, panting heavily.

"Holy sh*t," he gasped, mild embarrassment seeping in. "That was... intense..."

Chris laughed, running his fingers through Matt's hair affectionately. "It was impressive,” he complimented him. “Now… think you can return the favor?”

Matt pulled back slowly and looked at him, wondering in what manner he was expected to do that. Chris slowly parted his legs a tad, revealing his own aching dick rising stiffly in his boxers.

Matt swallowed tersely. “You mean?…”

Chris nodded. “If you think you can.”

He pursed his lips together, contemplating the idea. The very notion alone that he was considering it was enough to make his stomach do somersaults. “I don’t know how,” he said.

A hand raised to cup Matt’s jaw, Chris’s fingertips delicately dancing along his cheeks and cradling the back of his neck. “I can guide you through it,” he reassured him.

Matt hesitated, mulling over what he had to lose in this circ*mstance. “What if I f*ck up?”

“You won’t,” he told him assuredly.

After a moment, he shakily nodded. “Okay,” he conceded eventually, his heart beating wildly. “Show me.”

Chris nodded, sitting up. He motioned for Matt to lower his head towards his lap. Matt gulped nervously, his heartbeat hammering. He had never done this before. He had never sucked a dick before, ever, and the fact that he was about to was making his stomach twist and turn.

With shaking hands he pulled down the man’s boxers, revealing his hard dick. It was long, thick, and veiny. Matt felt his throat constrict at the thought of having to take all of that in his mouth.

"Here," Chris instructed, having noticed his trepidation. He wrapped a hand around Matt's head and carded his fingers through his hair. "Open your mouth. Just let me do the moving.”

Matt took a moment of clenching his jaw together in nervousness. He was beyond terrified of this, of what he was doing. But he also knew it was a means to the money he so desperately needed, and Chris was nice. He had bought them both dinner and dessert, he laughed with him, he talked about life with him, and he was paying him for this which was the big part… It didn’t have to mean anything.

He hadn’t noticed how long he’d been staring at the glistening member that was perked up dauntingly in front of his face, before Chris placed his hand on his chin and tilted his head up to meet his eye.

“Hey, you don’t have to if you don’t want,” he told him.

With a deep inhale and exhale, he pressed his lips around the tip of Chris's dick and closed his eyes. It sat on his closed lips as though he was giving it a kiss, before eventually starting to give it kittenish licks.

He tried to ignore the fact that he was sucking another man's co*ck, focusing instead on the instructions that Chris started to give him, and the pleased sighs coming from the man.

The taste in his mouth was foreign. It was salty, mostly, and it wasn’t his favorite thing in the world by any means, but it was not entirely unpleasant. He’d tried oral once on his ex-girlfriend twice, and it was a completely different feeling than this, but if he convinced himself enough, the taste was similar.

He opened his mouth a bit further, and started to suck on the head, flicking his tongue around.

"Relax your jaw," Chris said. "Take it slow. You don't have to take it all in at once."

Matt nodded as best as he could, and began to move his head forward, taking more of Chris's dick into his mouth. He could feel Chris's hands on his head, guiding him and encouraging him to go deeper. He choked briefly, then let out a soft moan afterwards, feeling the heat of Chris's co*ck fill his mouth.

"There you go," Chris praised him. "That's perfect."

Matt opened his eyes and looked up at Chris, who was watching him with a mixture of lust and satisfaction on his face. Matt felt a sudden, unexpected rush of pride at being able to please him so well, and he redoubled his efforts.

He took more of Chris's dick into his mouth, letting out a small gag as he felt it hit the back of his throat, before schooling himself back into a champ.

"Good Matthew," Chris praised him, voicing heightening and running his fingers through Matt's hair. "Just like that. Now just hollow your cheeks a little bit.”

Matt hummed in response, enjoying the praise. He began to move his head back and forth, bobbing his head on Chris's dick like he was a man on a mission.

“Think you could handle me f*cking your throat?” He asked.

Matt paused, dick halfway in his mouth when his eyes went wide as the idea. He swallowed, sending a shudder through Chris. With a jerky, havering nod of his head, he agreed.

Chris pulled out of his mouth briefly, leaving Matt’s jaw still gaping. He moved around, slipping off of the bed to stand at the edge of it, and beckoned for the other to kneel on the ground. “Easier this way,” he said.

Matt walked around the bed on shaking footsteps, his bare feet quietly moving along the wood floor as though he was tip toeing in hesitation. Slowly, he lowered himself before Chris. It was a… humbling, position. He looked up at Chris from behind his long lashes, eyes wide with curiosity and faltering confidence.

“I’ll try to be gentle,” Chris told him.

He fisted Matt’s hair between his fingers, and guided his member back to Matt’s lips. He pushed forward slowly, until the tip of his co*ck was resting on Matt's tongue. He watched as Matt's eyes fluttered shut, and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed nervously.

Chris ran a finger along the side of Matt's face, tracing his jawline. "Open your eyes for me," he commanded.

Matt did as he was told, opening his eyes and meeting Chris's gaze. His eyes were dark with lust, and Matt felt himself getting more and more shy the second over the fact that he was looking at him with such want.

Chris slid his co*ck further inside Matt's mouth, pushing past his teeth and into his throat. Matt gagged slightly, but managed to keep from choking. He started to move his hips back and forth, f*cking Matt's mouth with long, slow strokes.

Matt's hands fell limply to his sides, his nails digging into his thighs. A shiver went through him, and he realized with a slight embarrassment that he truly was becoming a common whor*. If only the team saw him now, pliant and stuffed full of another man’s co*ck. He’d never live it down.

A tear ran down his cheek uncontrollably, but he relaxed his throat and let Chris f*ck him harder, moans escaping from both of them.

“Tap my thigh if you need out,” Chris said noticing his tear, his breathing became ragged.

But Matt stayed resolutely still, letting himself be used.

Chris started to thrust faster, f*cking Matt's throat with increasing intensity. Matt let out a soft whimper at the feeling of being filled and stretched by Chris's co*ck. It was a feeling that made his mind go foggy, but maybe that was the lack of air flow going to his brain.

Soon, Chris reached the point where he couldn't hold back anymore. With a strangled cry, he pulled out of Matt’s mouth to cum — a string of drool connecting him to his lips, and painted his face with his warm seed. Matt closed his eyes, obediently letting it happen and feeling the hot cum land on his skin.

Chris let out a satisfied sigh, and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Thank you," he said, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Matt's forehead.

Matt nodded, wiping his own tears away and standing up on wobbling legs.

He stood in front of Chris, feeling oddly exposed. He wasn’t sure what to say, or what to do now that they had finished.

Last time they had cuddled the night away, but something about tonight felt disruptively more intimate in ways that made him sick to his stomach.

“I um… I should probably go,” Matt said, his voice hoarse and raw from being used. He winced at just hearing it.

“Oh um, are you sure?” Chris asked, tone full of concern.

Matt nodded tensely. “Yeah I have a big game tomorrow. Second to last of the season, I have to be up early,” he said, and although it was true, he also knew he was bitterly making up an excuse to distance himself from Chris.

Chris cleared his throat awkwardly, furrowing his brow together. “Okay well um, let my grab my keys and I’ll-“

“It’s okay I’ll just take the bus,” Matt told him, finding it hard to meet his eye.

For a moment, they stood in silence, neither knowing what to say or do. Without speaking, they each began to get dressed, trying to make themselves look at least somewhat presentable. Then, at some point, Chris walked over to his wallet and carded through it, pulling out a large wad of cash — more than last time. He handed it over with a look that said ‘I’m sorry,’ and Matt pocketed it without a word.

He wanted nothing more than to run, but he forced himself to stay a minute longer.

“Thanks for dinner,” Matt said finally, voice cracking. “And... everything.”

Chris smiled sadly at him. “Of course. And thank you. For everything.”

They shared another brief moment of silence, before Matt turned and left the room. As soon as he was outside, he let out a shaky breath and leaned against the wall of the hallway.

He felt sick. Sick with himself and what he had done, and sick with the fact that he knew he’d be doing it all over again next week.

He hated himself for being so weak, for being so poor, for being so desperate. He hated that he let another man f*ck his face like it meant nothing. Like it didn’t matter that he wasn’t gay.

Like it didn’t matter that he had just sold himself for money. Again.

Matt let his head drop to his hands, and closed his eyes tightly as he walked slowly down the stairs with a pain in his knees and guilt written all over him. He was in no hurry to get anywhere right now, except maybe to crawl under a rock somewhere.

He barely acknowledged the hostess as he left, to ashamed to even let her seem him. She probably knew exactly what he’d done.

Matt stepped out into the cold night air, and let the doors close behind him. He walked out onto the street, feeling a wave of nausea overcome him. He took a deep breath to steady himself and started walking towards the bus stop. He didn’t want to think about what had happened, or how he was going to explain why he was out late yet again to Nick when he got home.

As Matt walked down the street, he tried to distract himself by thinking about anything other than what had just happened. He thought about the upcoming soccer game, and how he hoped they would win so they could make it to the championship game next month before the Spring season started. He thought about his classes and how he really needed to start studying for finals soon. Anything to take his mind off of what he had just done.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t escape the feeling of shame and self-loathing that was consuming him. He knew that he had done something wrong, something that went against everything he was. And yet, he couldn’t seem to stop himself from acknowledging the fact that he would do it again.

What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he just say no? Why did he keep letting Chris use him like this?

Matt didn’t know the answer to those questions, but he knew one thing for certain: he needed to figure it out fast, before he lost himself completely.

The walk to the bus stop seemed to take forever. And to make matters worse, when he finally did arrive, he had just missed the bus.

Being Real - Chapter 3 - tripletrouble (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.