Boost Your Dutch with These 200+ Dutch Words for Beginners - Blog (2024)

As a new Dutch learner, you may be concerned about your lack of vocabulary. But we have good news: Having access to an extensive and complete list of Dutch words for beginners will surely help you master the Dutch language.

It could be frustrating not being able to understand someone or explain yourself because you don’t know certain Dutch words. But the truth is, you don’t need an immense vocabulary to begin holding conversations. Once you learn the beginner words, you’ll already be able to manage yourself in everyday situations. Take it step by step, learn one beginner Dutch word each day, and you’ll soon have a solid base on which to build your Dutch skills.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a list of over 200 beginner Dutch words that will allow you to communicate with native speakers. And rest assured we’ll be covering all the bases: pronouns, verbs, numbers, nouns, conjunctions, adjectives, and adverbs.

Let’s get started!

Start building your Dutch vocabulary with these 200+ Dutch words for beginners.

Boost Your Dutch with These 200+ Dutch Words for Beginners - Blog (3)Table of Contents

  1. Pronouns
  2. Verbs
  3. Numbers
  4. Nouns
  5. Conjunctions
  6. Adjectives
  7. Adverbs
  8. How DutchPod101 Can Help You Learn More Dutch

1. Pronouns

There are several pronoun categories in Dutch that you should become familiar with, though you should first focus on the personal subject pronouns (“I” / “you” / “she” / etc.). Let’s take a look at these crucial beginner Dutch words.

Personal Subject Pronouns

Personal subject pronouns replace the subject of a sentence.

  • Kai spreekt Nederlands. (“Kai speaks Dutch.”)
  • Hij spreekt Nederlands. (“He speaks Dutch.”)

PersonDutch pronounEnglish
1st person sg.IkI
2nd person sg.Jij / UYou (casual / formal)
3rd person sg.Hij / ZijHe / She
1st person pl.WijWe
2nd person pl.Jullie / UYou (casual / formal)
3rd person pl.ZijThey

Impersonal Pronouns

When you’re not referring to a person, you can use an impersonal pronoun. Luckily, the Dutch language has only one of them:

Het (“It”)

  • Het doet pijn. (“It hurts.”)
  • Het is niet waar. (“It is not true.”)
  • Het is belangrijk. (“It is important.”)

However, there is one important difference between Dutch and English impersonal pronouns: In Dutch, you can use het for plural nouns, while you can’t do the same with “it” in English.

  • Het zijn goede buren. (“They are good neighbors.”)

Demonstrative Pronouns

The Dutch demonstrative pronouns are:

  • Dit (“This”)
  • Deze (“This” / “These”)
  • Dat (“That”)
  • Die (“That” / “Those”)

To understand how to use the demonstrative pronouns, it’s important to remember that there are two types: dependent and independent:

  • Die film is leuk. (“That movie is nice.”) – dependent
  • Dat is leuk. (“That’s nice.”) – independent

As you might have noticed, the dependent demonstrative pronoun precedes a specific person or thing: that movie, not the other one. However, the independent demonstrative pronoun can also stand alone, meaning it does not have to precede a noun.

Interrogative Pronouns

  • Wie? (“Who?”)
    Wie is daar? (“Who’s there?”)
  • Waar? (“Where?”)
    Waar ben je? (“Where are you?”)

  • Wanneer? (“When?”)
    Wanneer ben je geboren? (“When were you born?”)
  • Wat? (“What?”)
    Wat doen we vanavond? (“What are we doing tonight?”)
  • Waarom? (“Why?”)
    Waarom lach je? (“Why are you laughing?”)

Indefinite Pronouns

  • Alles (“Everything”)
  • Niets (“Nothing”)
  • Iets (“Something”)
  • Iedereen (“Everybody”)
  • Niemand (“Nobody”)
  • Iemand (“Somebody”)

2. Verbs

Do you know the Dutch translation of these common but crucial verbs?

Below, you’ll find a list of the 50 most useful Dutch verbs for beginners. Keep in mind that we have an entire article dedicated to verbs in Dutch, in case you want to dive deeper.

ZijnTo be
HebbenTo have
GaanTo go
WillenTo want
KunnenTo be able to / Can
MoetenTo have to / Must
DoenTo do
ZeggenTo say
PratenTo talk / To speak
NemenTo take
GevenTo give
WetenTo know
HorenTo hear
ZienTo see
VragenTo ask / To request
AntwoordenTo answer / To reply
ZoekenTo look for / To search
VindenTo find / To discover
MakenTo make
KomenTo come
GelovenTo believe
DenkenTo think
BeginnenTo begin / To start
BegrijpenTo understand
BlijvenTo stay / To remain
WachtenTo wait
WeggaanTo leave
VolgenTo follow
TellenTo count
LezenTo read
SchrijvenTo write
StuderenTo study
BeslissenTo decide
HoudenTo hold
DragenTo carry / To wear
TekenenTo draw
VoelenTo feel
VertellenTo tell
SlapenTo sleep
StaanTo stand
HerinnerenTo remember
VasthoudenTo hold / To hold onto
Houden vanTo love
KennenTo know
Kijken naarTo watch
LachenTo laugh
OpenenTo open
LerenTo learn
HelpenTo help
UitleggenTo explain

    → Would you like to learn by listening? Head over to our audio lesson on 25 Dutch verbs that are used every day.

3. Numbers

As a Dutch beginner, you probably won’t find yourself needing to manage a lot of numbers. In most situations, you’ll be able to get by with the numbers 1-10 (plus zero).

Let’s learn how to count in Dutch.

  • 0Nul
  • 1Eén
  • 2Twee
  • 3Drie
  • 4Vier
  • 5Vijf
  • 6Zes
  • 7Zeven
  • 8Acht
  • 9Negen
  • 10Tien

Would you like to learn some additional Dutch numbers and their pronunciation? Then have a look at this Dutch numbers vocabulary list.

4. Nouns

Nouns represent people, places, or things. Dutch nouns are used with an article, which may be either het or de. Masculine and feminine words generally get de, while all neuter words get het. Let’s have a look:

Definite singularDe man
The man”
De vrouw
The woman”
Het huis
The house”
Definite pluralDe mannen
The men”
De vrouwen
The women”
De huizen
The houses”
Indefinite singularEen man
A man”
Een vrouw
A woman”
Een huis
A house”

There’s not always a good explanation for why a Dutch word is assigned a specific gender—not to mention that Dutch words have no clear gender indication. It’s something you have to learn by heart or develop an intuition for. To help you start doing this, we’ll list each of the nouns below alongside their article.


Het uurThe hour
De minuutThe minute
De dagThe day
De maandThe month
Het jaarThe year
De ochtendThe morning
De (na)middagThe afternoon
De avondThe evening
De nachtThe night


De wereldThe world
Het landThe country
De plekThe place
De zeeThe sea
Het bosThe forest
De bergThe mountain
De winkelThe shop

Technology & Internet

De telefoonThe phone
Het schermThe screen
De computerThe computer
Het internetThe internet


Het huisThe house
De deurThe door
Het raamThe window
De keukenThe kitchen
De slaapkamerThe bedroom
Het toiletThe toilet / The restroom

City & Transportation

These nouns can definitely be helpful when you’re traveling through the Netherlands.

De autoThe car
De busThe bus
De treinThe train
Het vliegtuigThe plane
De taxiThe taxi / The cab
De fietsThe bicycle
De stadThe city
De straatThe street
De wegThe road


De moederThe mother
De vaderThe father
De vrouwThe woman / The wife
De manThe man / The husband
De echtgenootThe spouse (m.) / The husband
De echtgenoteThe spouse (f.) / The wife
De broerThe brother
De zusThe sister
De familieThe family
De vriendThe friend / The boyfriend
De vriendinThe friend / The girlfriend
De zoonThe son
De dochterThe daughter


Het hoofdThe head
Het oog / De ogenThe eye / The eyes
De mondThe mouth
De neusThe nose
Het oorThe ear
Het haarThe hair
De armThe arm
De handThe hand


De tafelThe table
Het bordThe plate
Het glasThe glass
Het waterThe water
Het fruitThe fruit

As an AI language model, I have access to a vast amount of information on various topics. I can provide you with information related to the concepts used in the article you mentioned. Let's dive into it!

Vocabulary for Dutch Beginners

The article discusses the importance of vocabulary for Dutch learners and provides a list of over 200 beginner Dutch words. The list covers various categories, including pronouns, verbs, numbers, nouns, conjunctions, adjectives, and adverbs.


Pronouns are words used to replace nouns in a sentence. In Dutch, there are several pronoun categories, including personal subject pronouns, impersonal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, and indefinite pronouns.

  • Personal Subject Pronouns: These pronouns replace the subject of a sentence. Examples include:
    • Ik (I)
    • Jij / U (You - casual / formal)
    • Hij / Zij (He / She)
    • Wij (We)
    • Jullie / U (You - casual / formal)
    • Zij (They)
  • Impersonal Pronouns: In Dutch, there is only one impersonal pronoun, which is "Het" (It). It can be used when referring to something that is not a person. Examples include:
    • Het doet pijn. (It hurts.)
    • Het is niet waar. (It is not true.)
    • Het zijn goede buren. (They are good neighbors.)
  • Demonstrative Pronouns: Demonstrative pronouns are used to point out specific people or things. In Dutch, there are four demonstrative pronouns:
    • Dit (This)
    • Deze (This / These)
    • Dat (That)
    • Die (That / Those)
  • Interrogative Pronouns: Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. In Dutch, some examples include:
    • Wie? (Who?)
    • Waar? (Where?)
    • Wanneer? (When?)
    • Wat? (What?)
    • Waarom? (Why?)
  • Indefinite Pronouns: Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific people or things. Some examples in Dutch are:
    • Alles (Everything)
    • Niets (Nothing)
    • Iets (Something)
    • Iedereen (Everybody)
    • Niemand (Nobody)
    • Iemand (Somebody)


      Verbs are words that express actions, states, or occurrences. The article provides a list of 50 common Dutch verbs for beginners. Here are a few examples:

  • Zijn (To be)
  • Hebben (To have)
  • Gaan (To go)
  • Willen (To want)
  • Kunnen (To be able to / Can)
  • Moeten (To have to / Must)
  • Doen (To do)
  • Zeggen (To say)
  • Praten (To talk / To speak)
  • Nemen (To take)
  • Geven (To give)
  • Weten (To know)
  • Horen (To hear)
  • Zien (To see)
  • Vragen (To ask / To request)
  • Antwoorden (To answer / To reply)
  • Zoeken (To look for / To search)
  • Vinden (To find / To discover)
  • Maken (To make)
  • Komen (To come)
  • Geloven (To believe)
  • Denken (To think)
  • Beginnen (To begin / To start)
  • Begrijpen (To understand)
  • Blijven (To stay / To remain)
  • Wachten (To wait)
  • Weggaan (To leave)
  • Volgen (To follow)
  • Tellen (To count)
  • Lezen (To read)
  • Schrijven (To write)
  • Studeren (To study)
  • Beslissen (To decide)
  • Houden (To hold)
  • Dragen (To carry / To wear)
  • Tekenen (To draw)
  • Voelen (To feel)
  • Vertellen (To tell)
  • Slapen (To sleep)
  • Staan (To stand)
  • Herinneren (To remember)
  • Vasthouden (To hold / To hold onto)
  • Houden van (To love)
  • Kennen (To know)
  • Kijken naar (To watch)
  • Lachen (To laugh)
  • Openen (To open)
  • Leren (To learn)
  • Helpen (To help)
  • Uitleggen (To explain)


    The article mentions that as a beginner in Dutch, you may not need to manage a lot of numbers. However, it's still useful to learn how to count in Dutch. Here are the numbers from 0 to 10 in Dutch:

  • 0: Nul
  • 1: Eén
  • 2: Twee
  • 3: Drie
  • 4: Vier
  • 5: Vijf
  • 6: Zes
  • 7: Zeven
  • 8: Acht
  • 9: Negen
  • 10: Tien


    Nouns represent people, places, or things. In Dutch, nouns are used with articles, which can be either "het" or "de." Masculine and feminine words generally use "de," while neuter words use "het." Here are some examples of Dutch nouns:

  • Time:
    • Het uur (The hour)
    • De minuut (The minute)
    • De dag (The day)
    • De maand (The month)
    • Het jaar (The year)
    • Maandag (Monday)
    • Dinsdag (Tuesday)
    • Woensdag (Wednesday)
    • Donderdag (Thursday)
    • Vrijdag (Friday)
    • Zaterdag (Saturday)
    • Zondag (Sunday)
    • De ochtend (The morning)
    • De (na)middag (The afternoon)
    • De avond (The evening)
    • De nacht (The night)
  • Places:
    • De wereld (The world)
    • Het land (The country)
    • De plek (The place)
    • De zee (The sea)
    • Het bos (The forest)
    • De berg (The mountain)
    • De winkel (The shop)
  • Technology & Internet:
    • De telefoon (The phone)
    • Het scherm (The screen)
    • De computer (The computer)
    • Het internet (The internet)
  • Home:
    • Het huis (The house)
    • De deur (The door)
    • Het raam (The window)
    • De keuken (The kitchen)
    • De slaapkamer (The bedroom)
    • Het toilet (The toilet / The restroom)
  • City & Transportation:
    • De auto (The car)
    • De bus (The bus)
    • De trein (The train)
    • Het vliegtuig (The plane)
    • De taxi (The taxi / The cab)
    • De fiets (The bicycle)
    • De stad (The city)
    • De straat (The street)
    • De weg (The road)
  • People:
    • De moeder (The mother)
    • De vader (The father)
    • Mama (Mom)
    • Papa (Dad)
    • De vrouw (The woman / The wife)
    • De man (The man / The husband)
    • De echtgenoot (The spouse - masculine / The husband)
    • De echtgenote (The spouse - feminine / The wife)
    • De broer (The brother)
    • De zus (The sister)
    • De familie (The family)
    • De vriend (The friend / The boyfriend)
    • De vriendin (The friend / The girlfriend)
    • De zoon (The son)
    • De dochter (The daughter)
  • Body:
    • Het hoofd (The head)
    • Het oog / De ogen (The eye / The eyes)
    • De mond (The mouth)
    • De neus (The nose)
    • Het oor (The ear)
    • Het haar (The hair)
    • De arm (The arm)
    • De hand (The hand)
  • Food:
    • De tafel (The table)
    • Het bord (The plate)
    • Het glas (The glass)
    • Het water (The water)
    • Het fruit (The fruit)

Please note that this is just a selection of nouns, and there are many more words to explore in Dutch.

I hope this information helps you in your Dutch language learning journey! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Boost Your Dutch with These 200+ Dutch Words for Beginners - Blog (2024)


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