The Richmond Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)

I an earlvdav. It is a subject that Mr. THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. The Daman Electrical Forces! I CITY INKLINGS. Help USSNESS! We all recognize that times are not what we desire they should be, but croaking will not improve them.

Business needsjto be toned up a little and when money is not flush or labor scarce nothing helps trade so much and cheers the hearts of the people more than the offerings of merchandise at prices that will enable them to buy a good deal with a small sum of money. We are prepared to do this with our large stock well bought at rock-bottom figures, and assure our patrons that we will prove our statements with the facts. If you caij't afford to buy the cloth for a new Bulb, let us supply you with good warm Underwear that will shield you from the cold. We have some big bargains in Canton Flannels; $1.00 will buy a good "many yards, and it make.3 comfortable Underwear. If your wife needs a New Dress we cm give lier a bargain In that If a New Cloak or Shawl our prices will be found right, too.

What we are disposed to do is to supply our patrons with just as much stuff for as little money as ia possible and keep the ship in safe wateis. Let us have more of the spirit of hopefulness and helpfulness and all will be well. We ask for first chance. Respectfully, The Geo. Knollenberg No.

809 to 8 1 7 Main Street. Jt isn't the vol tcay it's just tho reverse to pay a patient when you cant cure him. Nevertheless, that's what's done by the proprietors of ur. taage a Catarrh Rflmert-v. They promiso to pay you $500 if they can't cure your catarrh, no matter how bad the case, uisntmere talK its business, you can satisfy yourself of it, if you're interested.

And tou ought to bo. if von have catarrh. It's faith in their medicine that's behind the Offer. It has cured thousands of the worst cases. where evei-ytning else failed.

xou can pa curea. too, von cant, von get the moneT. They're willing to take tho risk you ought to be glad to take tho mcdicicft Its the cheapest medicino vou can hnv. because it's guaranteed to give satisfaction, Ul VUUTiUUWV 12 TCLUi iieu. You only pay for the aood von rut Can you ask more? mat's the veculiar Dlan all Dr.

Pierr' metiicines are sold on. Children grow fat on Booster Soothing Syrup. It keeps the stomach and bowels regulated and con tains no opium" oa morphine. Price 25 cents. A.

G. Lnken Oo: Chamberlain's Eye and.Bldn Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Cic Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipple, and Files. It ia cooling and soothing Hundreds of cases have been cured it after all other treatment had failed 25 cents per box.

Sold by A. G. Luken 630 Main and O. I. Magaw201 Fort wayne Ave.

i We could not improve the Quality If paid double the price. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve that experience can produce or that money can buy. VVw OH THE! STAGE. Actrrsa rr.msy Davenport Tells How the Highest Snccessls Won. Is the successful actress born or made? Of beauty, magnetism or hard work.

which is the least essential? Will the pleasure derived from the art and from fame and fortune repay a woman for the struggling, self sacrifice, loss ol home life, etc necessary to attain it? These questions have been asked of a number of the leading actresses on the American stage. Here is what Farny Davenport says: I think the success of an actress is won by application and persistency. No one is born successful. They may be lucky, but unless that luck is seized at the proper moment and put to good (account, it is of no use in our professional life, I cannot now look about me and see one actress enjoying success who has not fairly wbn it. Modjesta, Morris, Wainwright, Cogulan, Mitchell, Lotta, Pixley, have earned every particle of their heaped up measure of success.

There are some who have been tied to the ladder and some who raised the lad der, but they are far fewer in number than the deserving ones. I think magnetism far better upon the Btage than beauty. When, however, both are combined, the labor to excel is less of a bard row to hoe, for the beauty brines a woman Into notice, then magnetism wins attention and interest, and success is as sured. "There is no reason why an actress should not have" a home life. Of courso in the traveling company custom a woman is de barred from havins ono real home, but if it is in her she can make a home she goes.

Applause and fame are wonderful incentives to work, and ambition to win more is like champagne punch the more you hare the more you want If a girl La3 a strong will and can say 'no' and mean it, there is no profession in the world more productive cf comfort and money than the dramatic one. Many make it a vehicle for a display of personal charms or amours, but these who go into it as a living, loving it is an art and making it hrst before all frivolous attractions, arc bound to succeed." Boston Herald. A Fashionable Kelic of Barbarism. The painting of the face i3 one of the most curious relics of barbarism oil record, dating back to the very infancy of the race. The first men painted their faces in time of war to make their aspect more terrible, and ia time of peace to render themselves mere attractive to the fair The sense of color in those primitive epochs was far from being as delicate as that of the mod ern aesthetic If the pale shades invented by the dyer of these days had then been known, they would have been despised as offering nothing tangible to- the vision, The first colors were red, yellow, blue and black, found in a state of nature or prepared by simple methods, and the only rule of art for their use was that they should be liberally applied.

The American Indians, when they crossed Bearing strait from Asia or were blown across the Pacific at some date so distant that it can only be guessed at, brought the custom with them. and those which civilization has spared preserved it to the present day in its pris tine purity. All the ancient tribes of the north of Eu rope practiced a similar mode of decoration when discovered by the Romans those of Germany (mentioned by Tacitus), the Britons and the rest almost without exception. The Picts, who were a Scottish tribe, must have Used an abnormal quantity, as their name implies, to have justmed the special appellation. The custom was from the first so general, bo typic of savagery that it resembles an instinctthat is, it is one of those blind impulses of unenlightened hu manity which only a high state of civilization could correct in the case of men, and in the caso of women an object more fern mine.

fcan Jfrancisco Chronicle. uevoted Dogs. Two fox terriers, Tan and Tally, which belonged to a physician in southern Cali fornia, were the playmates of bi3 little daughter Mabel They had been her com panions from her babyhood, and she was now 5 years old. One da she and they were frolicking in tho garden when the little girl's attention was attracted by a peculiar noise In a bush at her elbow. She peered into the branches to see what bad made the noise.

Instantly the head of a snake reared itself before her, and the sound of its rattles was repeated. Mabel Stood as if fascinated. The gardener at work not far off screamed to her to ran and hurried as fast as he could to her res cue. Hurry as he might, however, he would have been too late but for the dogs. They saw the little girl's danger and threw themselves between her and it, worrying the snake till the man could come up and kill it.

They wera quite awaro of their own danger. Again and again, when camp ing one witn tneir master, tney naa soown the greatest terror at the sound of a snake's rattles, but they could not see the child In jured. When the mother came in answer to the shouts ot the gardener, she found Mabel safe, but both dogs were already in the agonies of death. Youth's Companion. TTr il Johnson has given much thought and Investigation, To Be This evening at Cambridge City David P.

Wbelan, of Richmond, will be married to Miss Belle Jones. The wedding will be a quiet affair and only a few intimate friends will witness the ceremony. Been Poor. Bass fishing, with rod and line, has been unusually poor this season. Dynamite and nets will Boon cause this valuable nsn to Decome excincc in Wayne county waters.

Ia Me Circuit. Cambridge City will be in the big racing circuit next year. AH the most prominent horsem*n written John S. Lackey to that effect, and he has consented. A.

Wlna Basr. The Kaub Locomotive works, which were said to be located in Elwood, has developed into a wind basr ac cording to Anderson papers, and will never be realized. A Challenge-- The Union Ice company hereby is sues a challenge to the bartenders oi this city to a game of ball to be played on Sunday, Oct. 8. Very 111.

Frank Wilson had another serious attack of heart difficulty last evening and was for some time in a dangerous Police Court. George Sloan. Thomas Gates and J. Reynolds were arrested for intoxi cation last evening and all fined 9.90 this morning. COURT HOUSE- (Wednesday.) UABBIAPS LICENSES.

Wm. E. McLaoghlin and Paula A. Foster, Greensforlt. Thos.

li. Macke and Florence Ida Callahan, Richmond. Chas. Rogers and Orisia Mc Donald, Richmond. CIECTJIT COUBT.

The A. Birdsall Co. vs. Geo. A.

Pierce etal, on note: judgment for 1163.78. Amy Payne vs. Margaret Klein et al, for foreclosure or mortgage; judg ment and decree for foreclosure. Daniel S. Hopkins vs.

Marmaduke W. Hobba, on judgment; judgment of fZYZ 70. Trustee Tingle has let the contract for the construction of approaches on the McOlure road. A. Jenkins ob- the contract.

The bids were as follows: XMBT. eaAvn. S8c 40c. 80c. 30c 48c.

35C A. Jenkins 18c. K. B. Com-r 21c Chas.

Kodenbnrz 20c It. McClure John Kublmin Stanly Kupe 85c. JSSc AMUsem*nTS. Such actors and actresses as those wno compose tne company and sup port of Alexander falvini, are not to be seen In Richmond every day, and therefore the audiences should be both a large and appreciative one. Last night "Ruy Bias," the latest ef fort of Saivml.

was only fairly attend ed, though high prices to a great ex tent caused tnis to oe true, "ituy mas," portrayed by saivim, is a splendid piece of acting, though to most people, there is a shade ot disap pointment evident, wnen compared to his acting in "The Three uuards- men." William Redmond, the main support, fairly shared the honors with SaJvini and both received at various times veritable innovations. The support throughout was admirable. To-morrow night "Side Tracked" will be at the Grand. Jale Walters as a "new tramp in town" will de light yon, and his company is made up entirely oi good people. "Two Old Cronies," the favorite farce, comes back to us this season entirely rewritten and revised, and by that is meant not merely the In troduction of new songs but an entire revision of plot situations and ac tions, and everything strictly up to date.

"Jolly Old Chums'' can bo safely said to be better, brighter and funnier than ever. This happy concert, which always made every one laugh, has taken on a new lease of life, and un der its new title will continue to amuse alL The specialties this sea son are new and novel, the girls pretty, the comdians tunny, while the company, vocally, is the strongest ver seen in musical farce comedy. lhe costumes are all new and stria ingly beautiful. The company is one of the strongest ever organised, con talningsuch popular artists as Dan Mason, Dan Kelly; Sadie Stringham, Ruth Nelson, Bessie Gray. Chas.

Sally, Margaret Lncier, Leonard, Ada jueyton ana ocners. The ntantr standard. The standard of female loveliness varies greatly in different countries and with individual tastes. Some prefer the plump and buxom type; some admire tne slender ana syipn like and some the tall and queenly Bat among all people of the Caucasian race, one point of beauty is always admired a pure, clear and spotless complexion whether the fe maie De oi me Dionae, rune tie, or 1 a i a a a a. hazel-eyed type.

This first great re quisite of loveliness can be assured only by a pure state of the blood, ac tive liver, gooa appetite ana digest ion, all of which are secured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is guaranteed to ac complish all that Is claimed for it, or money refunded, xi you would nave a clear, lovely complexion, free from eruptions, moth patches, spots and blemishes, use the Golden Medical Disoovery. The Drawing class at the Business College will open next Monday evening. It Little vegetable health producers: DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure malarious disorders and regulate the stomach and bowels, which prevents I headache and disziness.

A. G. Luken Oo. Singers find by actual experience that Fassett's New Remedy for Coughs keens the throat clear as Den and prevents hoarseness, for sale by T. F.

McDonnell, 730 Main It isn't everywhere that a man can leave a fifty dollar bill lying around loose and without a guardian, but if he is going to do that sort of a thing at all a bank seems the best place. At least I judge so from this tale of a paying teller. He tells it to me with such an honest look in his eye that I believe him. Some time ago one of the promi nent retail merchants went to Jsank and drew oulj a roll to carry to Cincinnati with him. In gathering up the bundle of bills he left a fifty on the check desk where he had been counting it.

Somebody who came in later noticed the crisp long green lying there so lonesomely and of course the natural trend of such a story wiuld be to write, f'and quietly put it away where it could tempt nor body else." But this was not done. The bank note seemed destined to have as anomalous a career as Mark Twain's million pounder. It was handed over to the receiving teller by the finder. Ten days later the merchant who had overlooked the money dropped Into the bank to make a deposit. "By the way," said ho, "I'm out fifty.

You remember that roll I took to Cincinnati with me? Either some body touched me or I left it here? Couldn't have left it, could I Thereupon the fifty dollar bill was restored to its owner. 'And he lived happy ever after ward I in auired of the paying tell er. But he looked at me in scorn and passed on. "I was in a thrilling poker game the other said a pensive youth. 'W ViqH Tin fViirtn an nnnrl matches.

1 1 waa banker. We gather ed all the matches in the room and in our'clothes and then divided them out at 2 cents per match. All went Everybody had good hands and betting was red-hot. Luck seemed to be impartial, and when we stopped the winner ought tf have been only about 60 cents ahead; but when it came to cashing up I iouud that the bank was out 3. Then one or tne players kicked because I would not redeem matches that had been used to light cigarettes.

Another man growled because he could not bet half a match for it cents, couia not nna out where all those matches came from that I redeemed, and fear that there was a job put up on me." The verdict in the Boone case was not asurprise in the least, and It seem- ea very nimsy evidence on wnicn to charge the woman with murder in the first degree. Never once was an opinion expressed that she would be convicted, ana tne tact tnac tne at torneys for the defense did not intro duce a single witness showed how confident were their minds. Mrs. Boone will go back to Cambridge and probably, never be molested again in a like manner. THE SITUATION.

A Visitor to uncle Explains Bow Thing A gentleman's description of Mun cie at the present writing is as fol Business Is well nigh paralyzed Few persons are to- be seen on the streets. Traveling men have marked the place off their routes, not 60 much because of fear, but because there is little or no business there, and the business men are not buying. Bed flags are numerous. One may be seen from the public square. There was one new case tnere yes terday.

This gentleman says tnat the physicians believe they now have the disease under control, duc tne fact that? new cases are being devel oped nearly every day shows very conclusively that such is not the case Maude's quarantine, of which much has been written, is, in the opinion of this gentleman, a farce, people are required to have a certificate before leaving tne city, out any one can get the paper. No trouble is taken to inquire into the case. All that is ne ceesaryis for the person asking for the papers to say that he has not been exposed, pon nis Dare state ment the certificate is issued, al though the party may be from the, pest house. The quarantine is or no manner oi acconnt as it is being managed at Muncie. The fact is it don't quaran tine anytmng.

And then, again, there are many persons leaving the city witnout leave or license. They simply slip out of town, go to the nearest sta tion and board the trains. No won der the disease is spreading when people are allowed to leave, taking with their famines, houshoid goods, although right out of the Infected dis tricts or cue citv. it the state board or neaicn is oi any account, it will enforce a quarantine that will keep the people out of Muncie, and if in that citv, it will keep them there until the disease has run its course. WIU.

NOT ENLARGE. The Tin-plate Factory at Elwood, In VFblcb Richmond Capital Playa at Part. The yearly meeting of the officers of the American Tin-plate company was held Taesday and the fol lowing gentlemen were present: Col. A. Conger, Akron, E.

F. Latham, Pittsburg; E. M. Bloomfleld, Peru; I. L.

Morris, Chicago; J. L. Morris, Bos ton; G. M. Stanford, Atlanta, J.

II. Hasen. Cincinnati. J. Lee Yaryan, W.

B. Leeds, M. P. Hutton. W.

Hol- lingsworth and D. Q. Reid, Rich mond. A dividend of 2 per share was declared, and it was decided not to make any arrangements to enlarge the mm at tne present time, me following directors were elected for the ensuing year: A. L.

Conger, John Jttaien, w. ts. Leeds, v. u. eia, James M.

Overshiner. The official board is made up as follows: Presi dent, Col. A. L. Conger; vice-presi dent.

J. j. tiazen: treasurer. W. is.

Leeds; secretary, D. Q. Reid. All tbat honesty, experience and skill can do to produce a perfect pill has been employed In making De- Witt's Little Early Risers. The re- suit is a specific for sick headache, i biliousness and constipation.


Earlham Notes-A Wedding or Two Will oble's Change of Buaineas-Aaotber Oat Declilon-The Ball Game-Other Notes. Another Twain Made One. On last evening at 6 o'clock oc curred the marrlaKQ of Mr. Chas. H.

Kogers ana Miss uriese iicuonaia, by Kev. M. M. Binford, at the parBon-age on sonth 12th street. Mr.

Rogers is well and- favorably known throughout the city, and is a skilled workman employed in the sliops of W. S. Dunn while the briae is the estimable and accom plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

McDonald of West Main street. The newly wedded couple will im mediately take op their residence at No. 232 sonth 7th street, where they will be at home to their mends. This is the first couple joined in Hymen's bonds by Rev. Binford, who is the new pastor ot the south 8th street Friends' church, and recently moved to this city.

Was Successful On March 20th last Peter Lichten- fels. the clothier, began civir sr away round trip world's fair tickets to one person eacn weefe, wno came neareet the Knees upon the attendance at the, world's air on certain days, it was advertised extensively in the news papers and the contest was partici pated in by people for miles around. The last ticket has just been given away, and twenty-eight people have enjoyed a trip to the big show at the cost of Mr. Lichtenfels. Of course it paid him, good ads always do.

The newest thing is the miniature safety vault containing $50, each purchaser being given a key, the one being lucky enough to draw the proper key getting tho money. Another Gas Decision. Judge Coffee, of the supreme bench, wno several days aero rendered an important gas decision, handed down another one yesterday. The matter grew out of the refusal ot the gas company to famish fuel to the relat or, who resides on the street abut ting the company's main pipe line. The appellants appealed to the su preme court, and Judge Coffee, after a general review or the complaint, holds that a gas company; occupying the streets of a city, can be compelled by writ ot mandamus, to provide cit izens whose property abuts on the line, with gas when they are willing and rcaiy to-pay ior tue service.

Funeral Beform. Funeral reform is a subject that is receiving considerable attention in various places and might be given such in Richmond with benefit. The following chancres are advocated: The procession to the grave should consist only of the pall-bearers and tne preacher. Tnis would save much expenhe and would give the family seeded rest. Dead bodies should not be taken into churches, and funeral sermons should be delivered afcer the body has been consigned to the grave.

The family and mends Bbouid take leave of tne dead at tne Home. and there should be no public parade or snow. Two Earlham Notes. That choral society has organized with a large membership, it has be gun work upon the cantata wmcn will be rendered at a public recital near the close of the present term. Among the students recently regis tered is Miss May Fumiko Morikawa, or xamatoya, Japan, one nas been in this country two years and was prepared for college at the Friends academy, union springs, X.

x. Hr. Noble' Change. Wm. T.

Noble retired as paving tel ler of the State Bank of Indiana last evening. His successor is Mr. Ham ilton, who was formerly with the In diana National. J. L.

F. Steeg, the receiving teller of the State retire the 1st of October. His succes sor has not yec been selected. Mr. Noble has been made secretary of the Guarantee Savings Fund Life and Ac cident Association, recently organiz ed.

Indianapolis JN6WB. No Compliments Here. It is to be hoped that the experience which Mrs. Jennie Boone has passed since uly.will prove beneficial to ner in tne future. Also tnat sue will not take od her residence in Cam bridge City.

No one will care to run the risk of renting her a house forfear that the property would be destroyed Cambridge Tribune. The Ball Game. The Brooklyn-Cincinnati ball game was played yesterday afternoon at the Athletic park before a crowd of nearly 1,100 people. The game was not one which fanatics would rave over, in fact was poorly played on the parb of the Cincinnati clab. enough the Eroosiycs did well, con Biaering the grounds.

Attn Hospital. Wilbur Becker who has been confin ed to the hospital for several weeks with a serious attack of fever, is thought to be improving and will probably recover. ueorge Mcuoy win not be removed to his home for at least a week, his condition not warranting such action. 4 's ammmmmm The; Katon Fair. An enormous crowd went to Eaton this morning to attend the fair.

Among those noticed were: Dr.Hc- mvitt, Jake liaiteman, win Dormer, Diclc Allen. John Taylor, M. o. lief- fron, Ned Miles, Pete Reiner, Lou Cooper, John Logan, Henry Pecker ana jonn Decker. Charley Chris man's mare, "Lady Anderson," is becoming a certain winner of some portion of all race stakes.

She has been started three times and been "in the swim" every time. Yesterday at Eaton second place suited her about right, and of coarse Charley is pleased. To Michigan Wild. A crowd of local sportsmen will go on a deer hunting expedition next wees in northern aiicmean. Tne party will be composed of nearly a dozen gentlemen.

Another Speech. Congressman Henry TJ. Johnson is preparing a speech against the bill repealing the federal election laws, which he will deliver in the house at How They Control the Organs of the Body. The electrical forco of the hnmn body, as the nerve fluid may be termed, li an especially ttractlvo department of science, as it exerts eo marked an influence on the health 1 of the organs of the body. Nerve force Is produced oy the brain and conveyed by means of tho nerves to the various oritans of the body, thus supplying the latter with the vitality necessary to insure their healtli.

Thj pneumoxastric uerve, as shown here, may be said to be the rnwt important of the entire nerve system, as tt supplies the heart, lunifs, stomach, bowels, with the nerve force necessary to keep them active, and lie ilthy. A will bo seen by the cat the Ion? nerve descend inz front tho of the brain and terminating In the bow is the pueumojjastric, wiiiie the numerous lit tle branches supply, the' heart, iuns and torn-1 ttch with necessary vitality. When the brain becomes In any way disordered by Irritability or exhaustion, the nerve force which it supplies Is lessened, and tho or-tcitns receiving the dl- uitnisnea supply are con' feequently weakened. Physicians generally fail to recognize. but treat the the lmDortanee or this tact, organ Itself Instead of tho cause of the trouble The noted specialist, i ranklin Allies, M.

LI, has given tho greater part of his life to the study of this subject, and the principal discoveries concerning ft a re due to his effort. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, the unrivaled brain and nerve food, is prepared on the Srinciple that all nervous and many other liHculties originate from disorders of the nerve centers. Its wonderful am cess In curing these disorders is tesilUed to by thousands in every partof the land. Restorative Nervine cures sleeplessness, nervous prostration, dizziness, hysteria, sexual debility, Ht.

Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It is free from eplfites or dangerous drugs. It is sold on a positive guarantee by all druggist, or sent direct by tho Dr. Miles Medical Elkhart, on receipt of price, fl per bottle, six bottles for 63, express prepaid. hot sale toy A.

O. LraEN. trig NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Mr doctor tars It acts gently on the itomach, liver nd lldnevi.and is a cleaunt Iart1va. Thla drink to mads from berbt, sad Is prepared for cm as eaiuy LiriE'S MEDICIHE All arngpiiti sell it at SPe.

tod 1 1 package. If yog Cannot ut it, wnd your tddrcn for a free (ample. san' Family medicine move the bovrela ark dir. lb orderto healthv rhtw la n.cunnr edict mnvrathnliMwjkla Addraaa, OSATOa F. WOODWARD.

La Boy. St. Dr. E. C.

West's Nervs and Brain Treatment Is lold untlor positive written guarantee, by author tzod agents only, to cure Weak Memory; Loss oi Brain and Nerve Power: Lost Manhood: Quickness! Night losses; Evil Dreams: Lack of Confidence) vwiumww, jrfMHMiuat; ait imini; umoi 'owei of the Generative Organs In eithsr sox, cauwd bi over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Use ol Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which soon lead to Miser, Connumption, Insanity and Death. By mail, Ha box; a for Sajwtth written gunrnnrno to cure oi refund money. WEST'S COUGH 8YRITP. A eertais sari zor ouugan. ma, ARmmB, JirnncDltls, Uroup Whooping Cough, Bore Throat.

Pleasant to take. Small ciie dicouflnurtd; o'd, )e. size, old iuu, liuw ouu, uuAJ.iAit.iiSi3iiuaoniy iiy J. A. Hlatt 419 N.

8th St. Richmond, Ind $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of iiver complaint, uysoenaia. oick ueaaacne. Indigestion, Constipation or Oostiveness ws cannot care with West's Vegetable Liver Fills, when the directions are strictly complied with.

They are purely tenet able, and never fall to jive satisfaction. Sugar coated. Largo boxes containing 80 pills, Vto. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The a-ennine manufactured only by Ths John C.

West Company, Chicago, in. a Our Modern Superior Democracy. We have passed tbut stao ia our national life when to make a boast of ignorance. of crudity and uncouth conditions was considered true democracy. Wo Lave reached the higher ttlunc of superior democracy' that of gentlemen nud Indies who know no aristocracy except tlmt of culture, personal worth and elegance.

We have learned that the choicest gems need cutting and polish ing to show their true value, and we be lieve that the American diamond in the rough is vastly less attractive and admir able than when polished and cultured to its full possibilities, Jenness Miller Monthly. The Oldest Palntlns la England. The oldest picture in England la aaid to be the portrait of Chaucer, who died in 1403, which was probably painted in tht low countries 20 years before his death. It was discovered in an old garret in tho house in vbieh Cromwell was bora at Huut- lntrton. Count Truchens.

a well known col. lector, after examining tlfo painting, said that it was first painted in water colors and afterward painted- over in oil for preservation, and he certified that the nume Chaucer in the background waa laid on with the painting. New York Evening duo. Mias Lillian Morrltt, an English phe nomenon, has the power ot retaining in her memory hundreds ot complex figures and of multiplying, deducting and adding at i i i vuc uuiw time auy ui tue vrosa ugarea. In remote rural regions of England to this day the door through which a corpse haspoaaed is left open until the return of he party from church.

If shut, another ceatn may ensuo wjthin a jenr, In Austrian society It is the custom to take a partner for only one round of a dance. By tbls means ladies and csntlemen change partners five or six times in a single dance. Among the Incidents of childhood that stand out In bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent than severe sickness. The young mother vividly remembers that it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and in tarn administers it to her own offspring and always with the best resnlts. For sale by A.

G. Luken 630 Main street, and u. Magaw, 201 Ft. Wayne avenue, It' 4 Ml Lt Y' 1 I FREE COLUMN, 'S 1 THIS column not for tmalneei notlcee, except wnen paw ior 11 is ran tor otuer legitimate purposes. No'nt" or "sale" notices la erted for real eatato agents in the lino ot their business.

notices ac weU as all others ot a baaineoa nature should be paid for at the rate ot 1 cent a void; nothing under 10 words to he counted. The cash to accompany the advertisem*nt in aU cases except where tae advertiser ha a book account. Free noUces inserted twice only. WANTED. rpo do ps nting in exchange for small heating stove at4 4 south lath st ood girl in amaU lamt at 117 north lUth buy a hevy ciape or sila shawl.

Address a care item A Good man to work on farm, by month or year. CaU opposite toll aate on Cheater pifce. FOR BALE- econd hand bedstead, sheet Iron and cook stove at fi sonth uth st. Jpalini? stove at 13 north 15th st. li orseand buggy at 4fi4 south 13th at- 'picket to Petoskey or Grand Rapids.

Fiftt JL Ctasv Will sell cheap. Address or ca 1 at 21 north 20th street. FOR RENT. ornlehed room at 23 south Bth at. 'Phree rooms furnished sonth 13th sr.

or ucfurnished at S3 00 ma at 119 south 3rd at. onse of 6 rooms on south 13th. Enquire at lot south bt. LOST. Brown natural wood cane, knot handle.

Leave st 307 north 7th st. I Me pin, brilliant seU store. Leave at Dieht'ashoe Red leather tatchel containing a few clothes. Leave at at lOi north Uth at. Reward.

Veterinary instruments incaie in north part of city. Ltave at Taylor's livery stable. A liigator wrenca on or near outh 9th st. Re- il turn to Wilson's blacksmith shop. llaia gold ring, lie turn to 914 Main street.

R., lies, (Arrive.) SOUTHWARD. 8:40 m. O. R.

and Kich Ei. 9.11. m. Ft W. and Rich Us.

4 p. m. B. and Kich Mall and Ex, fcMp.n. Ft W.

and Kich. Local r'gt. NORTHWARD. Rich, and 0. B.

Nail and Es filch, and Ft W. Ex. tai p. m. Rich, and O.

S. 11 0 p. m. Rich, and Ft Local Fgt. 6:00 a.

m. Dily All trains, unieaa otherwise JnJioai 3, dinar and arrivodailv arnt EtanAa rennsrlvsnl Station, Ennsulvaniajjne Trains Run oy n.r4 Tiff e. 'iMilr. tEzoapv honour, faoil P.t-.ncK to lanT Jum Kokomoand Logansport fiorsnsnori; tod ram Logansport and 8:30 pm viaereon ana uwuupan. mu in transport and Chicago.

...11:45 pm na Hamilton and Cincinnati. 4 S0 :0 a Hamilton and ra Hamilton and 11 85 pm Hamilton A Cincinnati 8:5 3:15 ludiaoapoUs and Bt. 9:15 a a Ktiiehttotown and 10:80 Kniehtstown end Indianapolis and St. 11 :00 a 4 ttniebtntown and 1:86 mt -SC In.iimnpo'U and bt. 7:35 7 3) ra Piqua and Columbus, 9:0 am Pi(jaa and Uoiambue, 1 12:40 Plqns and Dnyton and :10 am Dayton and Springfield.

7:86 am Zsnls and Colambns. 8:06 Dayton and 4:66 Darken and Xenia.0. (dtpaa W. Oa.4WtieHr. imK Headaohe cured while yon wait with Anidone.

For sale by T. F. McDonnell, 730 Main street, eep All the talk in the world will not convince you bo quickly as one trial ot DeWitt's Witch. Hazel 8alve for scalds, burns, bruises, skin affections and piles. A.

G. Luken Co. Fassett's Cholera Cure is guaranteed to cure in every case; if it fal sto help you It don't cost yon a mt. For sale by T. F.

DcDonnell, 730 Main street. sep In all cases of Diarrhoea, Dysenta ry. Flux, etc. Fassett's Cholera Cure Sives quick relief. For sale by T.

F. IcDonuell, 739 Main street, sep If you can fiord to be annoyed by sick headache and constipation, don's use DeWitt's Little Early Risers, for these little pills will cure them. A. Q. Luken Co.

dw Hoosler Cough Byrup warranted to cure lung trouble. Only 25 cents. Try i By A. Luken Oo. wrote of of Arc appiaTecTto fhe Parisians; Charles Vto his subtle and delicate tact and promising a thousand crowns to whoever would succeed in squaring the drele.

There seemed at one time no limit to the imaginative vagaries of Vrain Lucas, as there was none to the blind credulity of his dupe. M. Chasles, however, wa3 not the only one who had been taken in. As lousf as the swindler contented himself With producing documents dating from the fifteenth, sixteenth and eighteenth centuries they were believed genuine, and jt long and an earnest controversy was waged on a reputed correspondence between Pascal and Newton as to whether the former or the latter had discovered the law of universal attraction. I But this very controversy created doubts as to the authent icity of the Chasles collec tion.

The later lmpOsitions.of the forger confirmed them, and Id. Chasles had the grief and shame of being openly declared a dupe and of seeing the years spent in enrichi" 3 Jus collection wasted. The forger was ar rested, tried and punished to the highest penalty of the law. M. Chasles lost the best part of his fortune, lor he had spent over 8,000 in the purchase of valueless papers.

London Cor. New York Sun. Garters and Husbands. A picturesque ceremony takes place ev ery year in uaute-v leune. ah tne gins in tho place on the day of St.

Eutropius file in procession to St. Jumenles-Gonibes to the cross which is erected near the church to the saint. Each girl hangs her left garter on the cross and prays that she may have a good husband and then gives way to the next girl. The cross- so smothered in garters of different colors that at a short distance it looks ns though it was covered with flowers. Philadelphia Times.

"'v. His Idea of Heaven. Smythc--I dreamed that I -was in heaven last night. 1 Mrs. Smythe Waa I there too? Smythe My dear, did I not say that I dreamed I was in heaven? London Tit-1 Bits.

A Cloth Measuring Machine. One of the most convenient devices lately introduced is a machine for measuring cloth, whether cotton or woolen; an appa-ratusvhich not only takes the length of a piece of cloth, but also records it, yard by yard, on the margin, one of the chief advantages of the niachanism being that the operation of measuring never requires to be repeated that is, the retailer finds tho piece he buys marked on the wrong side of the selvage through its entire length, and he has only to unfold the last yard to see if the length corresponds with the invoice, and at any subsequent time it can be seen at a glance bow much there is left. Thus the whole trouble involved in measuring is done away with, and lso the liability of making mistakes in cutting lengths to supply customers' needs. The cloth is not damaged in any manner. Many classes of goods, such as silks, are woven with a selvage that has to be cut off before they are made up, while for others an ink is used for marking the figures that can be removed as easily and completely as the tailor's chalk from a coat.

This useful machine can be driven either by hand or power. New York Sun. Blackened Electric Lamp Bulbs. The users of incandescent lamps frequently have occasion to complain of a reduction of the amount of light supplied to them through the blackening ot the bulbs and are apt to put the blame on the central station from which their current is derived. Professor Elihu Thomson now tells ua tbat this blackening of the bulb is no body's fault and cannot be avoided in the present state of the art of incandescent lampmaking.

The deterioration of incan descent lamps has often been laid to the bombardment of gas molecules, but Pro fessor Thomson is convinced that in a well exhausted lamp it is due almost entirely to evaporation by high Just as ice evaporates in vacuo, so carbon acquires in vacuo a certain volatility at an mcreas ing rate of the temperature. In this way the filament is worn away and deposited in minute particles on the insido of the bulb. Exchange. A Surprised City Miss A pretty typewriter employed in the government building, whose vacation was spent on a farm, will never attempt to feed pigs again. It has leaked out that while up in the country she requested permission to feed the pigs.

This was granted to her of course, and she took a big bucket cf milk and went tothe little inclosure where about a dozen hungry pigs were anxiously waiting for their evening meaL The pretty city miss went Into the place and started to pour the milk into a trough. At sight of the milk the hungry porkers all rushed at her, and as a result she was knocked head over heels, and the milk was spilled all over her, and she was glad to escape frith her life. Cincinnati Enquirer. A CLEVER HOW A FAMOUS AUTOGRAPH COL LECTOR WAS DUPED. There Seemed to Be 3o Limit to the Im einative Vacaries of Train Lucas, and None to the Blind Credulity or HI a Victim Tests of Forgery.

Falsified letters and papers nt various times have played a conspicuous part, if not actually in history, at least In contem poraneous annals and in certain circles of Bociety. Either the autographs in question have been confessed to be forgeries or discovered to be such, but at a given moment they bore a character of authenticity which in a measure exonerated their dupes. Perhaps none at least at first was so convincing as those which completely and successively deceived the very clever member of the Institute of France, M. Chasles, who was taken in by one of the most astute and unprincipled of forgers. According to experts, shortsighted peo ple are better qualified to detect a falsified writing than those who are gifted with a more perfect vision, but tho faculty of dis cernment is chiefly conferred by nature and cannot be judged by ordinary and invaria ble rules.

borne persons have a diagnosis as unerring in the matter of autographs n.3 the cleverest physicians in cases of illness. Everything is a clew for them the texture of the paper, the quality of the ink, tho nature of the pen, whether steel or quill, and as the use of the former- began at a certain date the employment of it for documents pretending to be of earlier production has frequently led to detection. The seals, the fashion in which the sheets are fashioned together, are so many guides not neglected by the expert. There is a vast difference betwee forger ies proper and facsimiles; the latter are much easier to detect. An engraved, litho graphed or photographed document may, even after minute examination, be taken as genuine, but there is a material test which invariably proves fatal to a fraud.

When a pen is dipped into on acid and a drop allowed to fall on the tail of a letter, the ink will disappear if it is an autograph. but will not be affected if it is only an-impression or a facsimile. Formerly to pro duce the latter the genuine document was transferred by tracing and the copy ol-tained was engraved on wood or stone; then lithography came into common use, and finally photography superseded it Today the art of facsimiles is carried to a singular degree of perfection with the assistance of tho heliotype and photogravure. The ancient Kings of ranee kept at heir court secretaries whom they allowed to sign for them ail brevets, circulars and offi cial communications, under Louis Alv the habit had become absolute rule, and the monarch signed personally only his private correspondence. One of his secretaries "of hand," as they were called, Toussaint Rose, imitated his master's writing so accurate that whole letters, purporting by the king himself, could easily be taken as having been in reality penned by The custom of keeping secretaires de main was continued under his successors and was also practiced by their consorts, Sometimes, however, the royal treasurer insisted upon having the genuine signature of the sovereign on orders to pay large sums, and in that casa the real signature had to be appended beneath tbat previously signed by the secretary.

This accounts for the number of documents still kept in the archives on which appear a double and apparently identical signature. xsapoleon I refused to contorm to this tradition. He signed all papers and acts himself, and by a curious idiosyncrasy he lengthened or abridged his signature according to the rank of the person mentioned in the brevet or concerned in the act. It varies greatly, ranging from the whole Napoleon to and even tho single N. He, however, used a stamp especially for the convocations of parliament.

Charles and Louis Philippe did the same. The institute has not forgotten the stupendous hoax of which M. Michel was the victiai. It was perpetrated by a man called Train Lucas, who styled him-Belf the agent of wealthy autograph collectors and gained the confidence of M. Chasles.

He after awhile brought to him and tempted him with letters supposed to date from the seventeenth century, but fabricated by him with considerable skilL Encouraged by his success, he created a perfect factory of autographs, and becoming reckless had the audacity to offer for sale letters written by Mary Magdalene and Cleopatra and some from Archimedes to Xero, from Alexander to Aristotle, from Rabelais fo Luther impudent fabrications which the old savant had become too infatuated to detect. Some of these apocryphal letters were fantastically extravagant. Vercinsetorix street. aep oraggisrs. sep..

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.